Samstag, 12. November 2011
... again and again, as long as you tube it off ...
It is morning here, so there is no news to speak of ... yet. But there will be.
Its clear as crystal that the root of all eval is exactly that. And those and whom it is blooming, are the enemy of humanity. The bankers are the problem.
The bankers manufacture recessions and depressions to excert a greater control of all social and political structures. The bankers create and finance the wars on both sides of the conflicts. The bankers orchestrate famine, poverty and want.
The bankers control the policies that control the media and the education system that is operated to maintain ingnorance in the public, so that they can be shawn like sheep.
The bankers launder the drug money and keep drugs illegal. The bankers are the problem.
The international banker is the scum of the earth. And they have to be brought to account. What will accomplish this? There are several possibilities. One of them is a real run on Wall Street, where the public goes into their officies and dispenses fronrtier justice on their person. The other is some kind cosmic intrusion of forces that I dont wont to begin to speculate on. And the other is some kind of financial miracle which they acctually wind up broke. But I dont know how something like that would work.
The most likely is the combination of the first two, where the second channels through the first. Once the cost of food, lodging and fuel hits a certain point, the public will be universally galvanized by the force that build up from the pressure of their asses against the wall.

We can be there in a few days. Once the system begins to collapse we'll have its own speed of free fall and things will move at a spectacular rate of change. It will be like the way weather can suddenly transform in the South Seas. At the point when this begins to occur the probabilety of global conflict will accellerate to maximum thrust. This is the primary truth about imperial currency activety, when the money goes South, violent attention goes East.
Yes, may be it will all just limp along on crutches while plastered with band-aids, but that goes contrary to the mathematics.

You can spread the numbers only so thinly, or you can only can press them together so much and you are going to get holes appearing in the net all over the place or you are going to get implosion.
Do I have any idea what I am talking about? It is possible that I do not. There is an area where allegorical poetry gains a mystical influx of metaphysical certainty that is no different from the theoratical physics. Where theory is just annother word for things we dont want to accept as inevitable.

May be freedom is just annother word for no one left to screw. It stands to reason that sooner or later the public will have no further option but to declare open season on the bankers. They will be hunted down as the beal and endal of everything dangerous and wrong. They are a plague and a pestilence as bad as any epidemic. They are the whiskey and yellow-fever blankets on the reservations of ordinary life, they are Anthrax masquerading as sweat and low. They are a longstanding source of the majority of humanities problems and have little competition except of the ubiquotus presence of ignorance and impossible dreams.
Whoever these bankers are, that is who they are. When the shit hits the fan, as is it going to do it any moment, the guilt of banksters is going to stand out like the sits on a beauty queen.

The transformation in the mind of the public is going to be immediate. People dont watch the news any more and though it is nothing more than garbage and lies. The players have all been seen there . They been seen in congress and they've been seen whereever the lies created to defend them and been publicized. They are a known quantity. There is no argument of any kind to create sympathy for the bankers who are either behind or finance every ourtrage against the public that is in existence. Now their day is at hand and they show no signs of having any kind of clue. They sit at their vanities and admire their image as Marie Antoinette. They wutrit up like Louis the 16th in Versailles. Sourrounded by gold leave wallpaper and sicka fans, while their diggle their sons and daughters of a dying empire that they brought to pass. There is mercy to be found here, but none of it can be for the banksters who have acted with none, in the intentional efforts to beggar and mutilate, lame and destroy anyone and everyone who was not them. That mercy is for the public, who, like Lefty, only did what they had to do. I am trying to get my heart and head around it, I try to see an Out for everyone. But the only Out I can see for the Banksters is: Out of our lives.
And march still living through the gates of hell, where they can reunite with the banker in chief. I am not the judge or executioner. I am an observer, who's never had enough money to think about the banks in the first place. Now the bankers tightly cross what is going to turn into flaming coals in their hands. Judgement is going to cry out from the earth they walk upon and have plundered at will. That will is now going to be drained away into fear and apprehension. Their fortress walls are going to fall away. Their protecters are going to turn on them. Their holdings are going to dissolve and spill from their finger like a handfull of sand. I wouldnt wanna be a bankster today, or on any other day.
The existence of a system has kept them save. This corrupt system is aloud for some kind of life for those praid upon until now. Now it is turned upon those whose compliances is being forced coming for so long. Soon that compliance will be gone. And there are not enough police and armies to quell what is going to rise out of the midst.

May be I am wrong about this. But like everything else: we'll see.
... and for the upcoming presidency of Ron Paul, listen to this add and beware:
. WATCH closely who will pay for Ron Paul's campaign ;(

thanx 2 special heinz for the good times and dives.
 850 klicks
Who killed Menocchio?
Wissen Sie eigentlich, um was es geht? Es geht um Alles oder Nichts, also vorwiegend um Alles. Und Sie haben kein Ticket und nicht gestempelt, sozusagen garnicht erst mitgefahren, rein versicherungsrechtlich.

Diesmal geht es nicht nur um die Wurst und auch nicht den Bach runter. Hals über Kopf, Kopf oder Zahl, Geld oder Leben, Leben oder Tod, also doch irgendwie auch wieder um die Wurst. Und Sie machen nicht mit? Das macht nichts.

Aber mein Neffe hat auch nicht gestempelt. Weil er sagt, daß er doch ein Bißchen wäre und somit es nicht um Alles gehen könne. Wie soll das wohl gehen? Alles im Arsch, mir nichts, dir nichts, also doch den Bach runter.

Wenn jetzt aber Alles den Bach runter geht und Nichts den Bach hoch? Wer dreht das Mühlrad, wer schlägt jetzt das Chaos zu Käse? Alles Wasser, das den Bach herab fließt, oder das Nichts, das die leeren Schaufelräder füllt? Wo bleiben die Löcher im Käse, wenn es nicht die Würmer sind, die zu Menschen und Göttern werden? Und was habt ihr mit Menocchio gemacht?


Und diesmal gibts den b.txt ganz brav ohne Aufforderung. Das Denken Mennochios (wie im Buch von Carlo Ginzburg sehr facettenreich beschrieben) hat den Diskurs seiner Zeit ganz gewaltig ins Wanken gebracht hat. Die Inquisition hats ihm entsprechend ent-dankt. Und mit dem letzten Absatz möchte ich mal - wie das so meine Art ist - ganz zart an der vermeintlich versperrten Tür des heutigen Einheitsbreimedien-Diskurses anklopfen, um zu fragen, ob es denn nicht noch ein warmes Plätzchen gebe, für ein Ideelein wie mich. Ich glaube nämlich nicht.
Denn ich kenne Planeten bei denen die Scheiße oftmals auch flußaufwärts quillt, wie das bei diesem Er-klärwerk deutlich zu Tage tritt. So!
 1373 klicks